Friday, August 13, 2010

How to consume WCF service with tcpTransport in Silverlight4

Last month, I wrote a new Silverlight4 sample for All-in-One Code Framework project. The sample called CSSL4WCFNetTcp, which demonstared how to utilize the Silverlight4 new supported netTcpTransport to create Silverlight client and consume WCF service.
For convenience, I post the sample's readme file here, someone who have interest on this sample could download 1Code latest release.

To demonstrate silverlight accessing WCF, we may need a WCF service and a Silverlight WCF client. Here we separate the creation progress into three tasks:
  1. Creating Duplex WCF service with netTcpBinding
  2. Creating Silverlight WCF client
  3. Deploying cross domain policy file
Creating Duplex WCF service with netTcpBinding
1. Create a new console project "NetTcpWCFService", add a new WCF Service to project, named WeatherService.
2. Open IWeatherService.cs, define the service contract like this:
namespace NetTcpWCFService
    public interface IWeatherService
        [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
        void Subscribe();
            [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
        void UnSubscribe();
    public interface IWeatherServiceCallback
        void WeatherReport(string report);
3. Open WeatherService.cs. We use static event approach to implement subscription service.
First, prefix the ServiceBehavior to the existing WeatherService class, set InstanceContext mode to PerSession. Then, replace the default contents of the WeatherService class with the following:
    public class WeatherService : IWeatherService
        static event EventHandler WeatherReporting;
        IWeatherServiceCallback _callback;
        public void Subscribe()
            _callback = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel();
            WeatherReporting += new EventHandler(WeatherService_WeatherReporting);
        public void UnSubscribe()
            WeatherReporting -= new EventHandler(WeatherService_WeatherReporting);
        void WeatherService_WeatherReporting(object sender, WeatherEventArgs e)
            // Remember check the callback channel's status before using it.
            if (((ICommunicationObject)_callback).State == CommunicationState.Opened)
    class WeatherEventArgs:EventArgs
        public string WeatherReport{set;get;}

4. Create a separate thread to generate fake weather report periodically.
static WeatherService()
                new WaitCallback(delegate
                    string[] weatherArray = { "Sunny", "Windy", "Snow", "Rainy" };
                    Random rand = new Random();
                    while (true)
                        if (WeatherReporting != null)
                                new WeatherEventArgs
                                    WeatherReport = weatherArray[rand.Next(weatherArray.Length)]

5. Configure the app.config file to add netTcpbinding endpoint to WCF service.

Note that, only a few ports are allowed to be accessed by Silverlight, that is 4502-4534, and we need client access policy file to permit Silverlight access, please refer to Deploying cross domain policy file
6. Start the ServiceHost in Main method
static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var host = new ServiceHost(typeof(WeatherService)))
                Console.WriteLine("Service is running...");
                Console.WriteLine("Service address: "+host.BaseAddresses[0]);

Creating Silverlight WCF client
Now, create Silverlight application to consume the WCF. We need one button to subscribe/unsubscribe servicie, and one listbox to display the weather report from service.
1. Create a new Silverlight project.
2. Open MainPage.xaml, Add Button, TextBlock and ListBox to MainPage and adjust layout.

3. Add Service Reference to our “weatherService” WCF service. To do this: First, set NetTcpWCFService project as startup project, press Ctrl+F5 to start the service. Then, right click Silverlight project, select “Add Service Reference”, in dialog, input the weather service address, and press OK. After done this, VS would generate wcf proxy code in Silverlight project.
4. Open MainPage.cs file, Initialize the WCF proxy in Loaded event
public partial class MainPage : UserControl,IWeatherServiceCallback
        public MainPage()
            Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MainPage_Loaded);
        bool _subscribed;
        WeatherServiceClient _client;
        void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            _client = new WeatherServiceClient(
                new System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext(this));
            _client.SubscribeCompleted += _client_SubscribeCompleted;
            _client.UnSubscribeCompleted += _client_UnSubscribeCompleted;
        void _client_UnSubscribeCompleted(object sender, System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error == null)
                _subscribed = false;
                btnSubscribe.Content = "Subscribe weather report";
                tbInfo.Text = "";
                tbInfo.Text = "Unable to connect to service.";
            btnSubscribe.IsEnabled = true;
        void _client_SubscribeCompleted(object sender, System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error == null)
                _subscribed = true;
                btnSubscribe.Content = "UnSubscribe weather report";
                tbInfo.Text = "";
                tbInfo.Text="Unable to connect to service.";
            btnSubscribe.IsEnabled = true;
        // Display report when callback channel get called.
        public void WeatherReport(string report)
                new ListBoxItem
                    Content = string.Format("{0} {1}",DateTime.Now, report)
5. Add event handler to handle button click event
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!_subscribed)
            btnSubscribe.IsEnabled = false;
Now, the Silverlight WCF Client is completed. We have one last task to permit the Silverlight access.

Deploying cross domain policy file
1. Create a xml file, named "clientaccesspolicy.xml", set content as below
This file grant permissions to allow Silverlight clients from any domian to access server's 4502-4506 port.

2. Find out the server web site's root physical path (by default, C:\inetpub\wwwroot), place the policy file in that folder. To varify the deployment, browse http://localhost/clientaccesspolicy.xml, check if you could see the policy xml content.

To test the project
1. Open CSSL4WCFNetTcp solution, build.
2. Start the duplex WCF. Run NetTcpWCFService.exe, it's under CSSL4WCFNetTcp\NetTcpWCFService\bin\debug folder.
3. Right click "CSSL4WCFNetTcpTestPage.aspx" in VS, Select "View in Browser".
4. When Silverlight application loaded, click "subscribe" button, if all code and configuration is correct, you may find the listbox displaying a new record in each second.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

<standardEndpoints> section cause webrole stuck at Busy state

<standardEndpoints> is the new added wcf configuration feature in .net framework 4. However, someone who utilize this config section in his/her webrole's config file may found that the application deploying on cloud would stuck at "Busy" state.

I consulted my colleague, and she me told that this is because the current cloud VM's (Windowss Azure Guest OS 1.4 (release 201005-01)) machine.config is missing the following section.

Adding this section at the beginning of your web.config file should fix this issue.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How to secure WCF on cloud with HTTPS

Although windows azure provide very friendly interface which allow existing .net application be easily run on cloud, however, there are still some changes need be done before we megiate normal .net app on to cloud app.

In this blog, I'll show how to create a WCF service on webrole with transport security armed.

First, let's create a Windows azure project with 1 WCFWebRole. In WCFWebRole project, there is an existing WCF called "Service1.svc". Since, we are focusing on how to secure service, we'll just use this wcf service without change any code.

Second, change the web.config file to configure wcf security.

With this configuration, we will enable TransportWithMessageCredential security, and use custom usernamePassword authentication. And here is my custom validator:
namespace WCFServiceWebRole1
    public class MyCustomUsernamePasswordValidator : UserNamePasswordValidator
        public override void Validate(string userName, string password)
            if (userName != password)
                throw new Exception("username/password not valid.");

Note: For why I don't choose Transport security, that's because cloud doesn't support Windows authentication, due to the IIS(not sure IIS web core) limitation, 'Basic' is not choice either. However, if we don't need client authentication, then we could simply set security to transport and set clientCredential to None.

Until now, we haven't done all necessary steps to make a transport secured WCF run on local IIS. However, there are additional work need be done to enable the HTTPS protocol on cloud. Let's continue.

First, create a self-signed certificate(just for test usage). the subject name should be equal to your windows azure service's domian name.(eg. [servicename] To create certificate, open Command prompt with administrator priviledge, run the commands below.
Makecert -r -pe -n "CN=[your_ns]" -b 05/10/2010 -e 12/22/2012 -eku -ss my -sr localmachine -sky exchange -sp "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" -sy 12

When certificate created, it would be added to your localmachine's personal store directly. You need use MMC tool to export the certificate with private key to local file *.pfx

Third, return to our cloud project, open WCFServiceWebRole's properties panel, click "Certificates" tab, Add certificate, in Thumbprint column choose our new added certificate.

Click "Endpoints" tab, check "HTTPS" endpoints, select certifice in "SSL certificate name" combobox to bind certificate to SSL port.

Next, we need upload certificate to windows azure service. Login the Windows Azure Portal, open the target service, in management page, find "Certificates" section, click "Manage"
In certificate management page, select the pfx file, input password, click "Upload" button. If succeed, the certificate would be listed here.

Ok, last step is deploy our windows azure application on cloud. Here is the result

Note that, the browser address bar is in red color, that's because the self-signed certificate is not from a trusted certificate root. To solve this issue, open certmgr tool, select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities", import our certificate.

If have questions, please post comment. This is my first blog, I'm very glad if someone get help from it :)